Covid-19 Protocols

Not your average party

3 Phase Plan

With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.

Learn About Private Events


Event Prep

While preparing all props and materials for the event our staff will dawn N95 masks, nitrile gloves, and will wipe down all items with disinfectant before storing them for transport.

For game materials such as printouts, instructions and game pieces, we have switched many of this over to disposable items as our reusable items will not hold up to repeated cleaning.

Prior to packing and transport the items will be exposed to UVC germicidal lamps for several hours as an additional precautionary measure.


Event Hosting

Upon arrival our host will be wearing a N95 mask which they will not remove at any time.

For private events our host will perform a temperature check on themselves in front of you upon arrival. At your request ONLY will they screen other guests as they arrive.

For public events all guests will be screened.

Our host will also sanitize their hands upon arrival and will dawn nitrile gloves as they set up and pass out any items. They will sanitize and swap their gloves periodically throughout the event.

Our host will maintain a 6ft or greater distance from all guests and we must ask that guests not come wihtin 6ft of our host.  


Post Event

As our host packs up all items will be stored in plastic bags for safe transport by our host.
When back at our facility the Host will allow the items to sit in the bags for 3 days to allow much of the virus to die off naturally.

After 3 days a host wearing a N95 Mask and nitrile gloves will spread out all items in a room, and will wipe down all items with sanitizer, dispose of all disposable items.

Following the sanitization and disposal process remaining items will then be exposed to UVC germicidal lamps for several hours as an additional precautionary measure.

Private Event